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有人已经考虑将暗视野检测用于检测薄晶圆缺陷。基于光学技术,暗视野是指进行较低角度反射光测量。 暗视野对于晶圆前端检测是有效的,但是由于研磨造成晶圆背面粗糙,对于背面检测它是无效的。因此,晶圆背面研磨后应避免暗视野检测。 Read...
Overcoming thin-wafer inspection challenges for high-volume manufacturing
Blog post from Philippe Gastaldo, Product and R&D Director, UnitySC. As the automotive electronics market continues to grow, spurred by developments such as semi-autonomous and fully autonomous vehicles, the demand is increasing for power semiconductor components...
Technical Tidbits from IWLPC and MSEC 2017
Francoise von Trapp (3D Incites) refers to UnitySC's latest announcement in her coverage of IWLPC. After reading the announcement of UnitySC’s opening of its new software development lab and customer support demo lab, I caught up with the Philippe Gastaldo, Product...
Advanced Process Control Solutions for Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging
Article published by UnitySC in Chip Scale Review (July-Aug 2017, Volume 21, Number 4) With the increase of costs, delays and complexity at the most advanced frontend silicon technology nodes, advanced packaging process control solutions have become a key...
UnitySC Expands; Opens U.S. Office With Global Software Development Center And Customer Demo Lab
New Facility Enhances Company’s Semiconductor Process Control Capabilities and Supports Growing North America Customer Base Austin, Texas – Oct. 23, 2017 – UnitySC today announced at the International Wafer Level Packaging Conference (IWLPC) in San Jose, Calif., the...
Heterogeneous Integration Versus Dimensional Scaling; One Year In (Part 2)
Gilles Fresquet, CEO, and Yann Guillou, Global Marketing Manager, mentionned in the article written by Francoise von Trapp from 3DInCites In the first part of this series, I covered the perspectives of dimensional scaling vs. heterogeneous integration based on...