UnitySC 是半导体制造中量测与检测领域的全球领导者
让我们来探索 UnitySC
UnitySC 是谁?
UnitySC 成立于2016年,由几家欧洲公司合并而成。 总部位于法国,UnitySC 业务遍布全球, 在每个主要的芯片生产地都有常驻员工。
UnitySC 制造什么?
UnitySC 是制造用于高级封装( 硅通孔 、高带宽存储芯片堆栈、混合键合 / 晶圆对晶圆、芯片对晶圆)和微机电系统(MEMS)的量测和检测设备的领导者。
在 UnitySC 工作
在 UnitySC, 我们提倡并支持来自多元化人才库的发展. 我们正在推动技术前沿,使我们成为一个吸引人的工作场所.
UnitySC 的服务
UnitySC 能够为全球客户提供设备的服务与应用支持。
我们可以根据客户的需求提供全方位的维护保养、升级和其他相关服务。 通过这些服务,我们可以使客户设备在整个使用周期内保持正常使用状态。
从内燃机车辆转向电动车辆、自动驾驶(例如:高级驾驶辅助系统 ADAS)、车载科技、数字连接和安全。 所有这些趋势有一个共同的推动者:半导体组件。
人工智能驱动的数据分析需要大规模的实时数据处理。 UnitySC 通过优化半导体行业的计算和存储架构(GPU 和 CPU),以实现高效处理大型和时间关键的数据集。
Press releases
IMAPS Conference in Boston (Sept 30- Oct 3)
During the 52th IMAPS conference held in Boston from the 30th of September until the 3rd of October, Unity Semiconductor will present a paper entitled : How to secure the fabrication of Gallium Nitride on Si wafers You can already read below an abstract of what we...
ASMC Conference – Optical profilometry and AFM measurements comparison on low amplitude deterministic surfaces
Dr Carlos Beitia from CEA LETI has presented a paper about advanced metrology in collaboration with Unity during the Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference in New york. New York, 6th-9th May 2019- Surface nanotopography is important for different key advanced...
ASMC Conference – Optical profilometry and AFM measurements comparison on low amplitude deterministic surfaces
Dr Carlos Beitia from CEA LETI has presented a paper about advanced metrology in collaboration with Unity during the Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference in New york. New York, 6th-9th May 2019- Surface nanotopography is important for different key advanced...
UnitySC will participate to the MINaPAD forum conferences
MiNaPAD, the « Micro/Nano-Electronics Packaging & Assembly, Design and Manufacturing Forum » is a 2 days conference with an exhibition, which be held in Grenoble, France, on WTC congress center on May 21-22-23, 2019. The objective of this event is to reinforce the...
LIGHTSpEED by UNiTYSC: The new high-end surface inspection solution for in-line monitoring and process qualification of opaque and transparent substrates
The LIGHTSpEED is the first unpatterned surface inspection solution that combines darkfield inspection and advanced synchronous doppler detection technology to capture nanometer scale defects on all kind of wafers. Grenoble, France – Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 – UnitySC,...
Unity-SC Demonstrates Its Unique Capability to Detect Non-scattering Potential Killer Defects on GaAs Substrates with Major VCSEL Manufacturer
Together with a key player in the VCSEL market, Unity-SC was able to improve their yield by sorting out wafers that presented defects only visible using the LIGHTsEE PSD™. If not detected, these defects can lead to failure later in the process or after system...